WDTN News story features the Parachute Museum for the 100th anniversary of the first emergency bailout from an aircraft using a freefall parachute.

For the October 20, 2022 Centennial of the event Channel 2 News visited the Parachute Museum and produced a story for the October 17 newscast. See https://www.wdtn.com/news/100th-anniversary-of-first-parachute-rescue-in-dayton/ for the story by reporter Neydja PetitHomme.
The broadcast also included an interview with with Parachute Museum Curator Randy Zuercher. For more background information on the Parachute Museum and the story of the freefall event, see the "October in Aviation History" story posted earlier on this website: https://www.aviationtrailinc.org/post/october-in-aviation-history

Aviation Trail, Inc. Parachute Museum
16 South Williams Street
Dayton, OH 45402
The Aviation Trail Parachute Museum is Site #1b on the Aviation Trail