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October in Aviation History

102nd Anniversary of First Emergency Free Fall:

October 20, 2024 represents the 102nd anniversary of the first emergency bailout from an aircraft using a freefall parachute. Lt. Harold Harris, Chief of McCook Field Flying Section, whose Loening PW-2A Monoplane was disabled while testing new ailerons in combat practice was forced to jump. He landed in a grape arbor in the backyard of a house on Troy Street in Dayton, while his plane crashed nearby on Valley Street.

Near the end of WWI the US Army put together a parachute research group that came under the Engineering Division at McCook Field in Dayton. Their job was to develop a practical parachute for in-flight escape from fixed wing aircraft. The Type A parachute rig was based largely on Floyd Smith’s concept for a manually operated free-fall parachute. The pilot would wear the chute, climb out and jump away from the airplane, then manually operate the parachute once safely away from the plane. It provided the first practical system for inflight escape from fixed wing aircraft, avoiding the dangers of a tethered system. The chute was initially live jumped in testing by Leslie Irvin in April of 1919 and was soon standardized and eventually required for use by Army pilots. Lt. Harris' 1922 jump was the first instance of an emergency use of the system.

CLICK HERE to read more about Lt. Harris' first hand account of the event in a 1925 Parachute Manual published by the Air Service Engineering Division at McCook Field in Dayton, Ohio.


A dramatic video presentation of "The Harold Harris Story" can be seen using this link:

as presented in the Parachute Museum Theater.


Learn more about Parachute History: CLICK HERE to download a copy of a Speaker Series presentation on the history of the parachute that was produced by the Aviation Trail Parachute Museum team. And be sure to explore the Parachute Museum page on this ATI website.

Aviation Trail, Inc. Parachute Museum

16 South Williams Street

Dayton, OH 45402


The Aviation Trail Parachute Museum is Site #1b on the Aviation Trail



Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park 

16 S. Williams St., Dayton, OH 45402

Visitor Center:

For details and seasonal date schedules see

or please call (937) 225-7705 for the current park schedule.


From W. Third St., turn south on Williams St and then turn left on Fourth St. Go 1/2 block and turn left into the Visitor Center parking area.

CLICK HERE for a parking map.

See the Visitor Center page for details on hours and for a map.

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*The Parachute Museum archives were considered as perhaps the world's largest  private parachute collection when assessed by experts from WPFB and the Smithsonian Institute.  

© Aviation Trail, Inc. 2025

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