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Celebrating Aviation: Project Recover!

March 27, 2025 at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force™:

Join us Thursday, March 27 from 6 - 9 pm at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force™ as we continue our 2025 Celebrating Aviation series with a presentation about Project Recover, including a special screening of the film To What Remains, and comments by Scott Althaus of Project Recover.

To What Remains is a stirring, feature-length documentary from Imperative Entertainment, ABRAMORAMA, and directed by Christopher Woods, that follows the efforts of the non-profit Project Recover to repatriate some of the more than 80,000 Americans missing in action (MIAs) since World War II. The film incorporates the stories of several MIAs and their families to illustrate the process of researching, searching for, and finding the remains of those MIAs so they can finally be brought home. It includes the search for Lt R. R. Houle, commanding officer of Ensign George H. W. Bush’s TBM Avenger squadron, and also follows Tommy Doyle, son of SSgt Jimmie Doyle, as he dives on the crash site of his father’s plane more than six decades later. To What Remains is a powerful testament to how one person’s commitment to ‘do the right thing’ motivates an ever-growing number of people to do the same.

The presentation will feature another family member, Scott Althaus, who will introduce the film and give a presentation and take questions following the showing. In 2013, Althaus began researching his cousin-once-removed, 2nd Lt. Thomas Kelly, Jr., who had been MIA since 1944. In 2017, after turning his family’s research over to Project Recover, Althaus learned that they had located the site of Kelly’s B-24 Heaven Can Wait in Hansa Bay, Papua, New Guinea, and were presenting their findings to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, which is responsible for recovering, identifying, and repatriating remains. Scott Althaus has become a member of Project Recover himself.

Presented in combination with the special exhibits OceanXperience and Drop in the Ocean the Foundation is hosting at the Museum through April 27. Attendees will be able to experience both exhibits in the 4th building at no charge following the presentation!


Tickets are just $20 per person. Your ticket purchase through the nonprofit Air Force Museum Foundation benefits the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force™.

The Air Force Museum Foundation, Inc.

1100 Spaatz St.

PO Box 33624

Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433


The National Museum of the United States Air Force

 is site #5 on the Aviation Trail.



Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park 

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*The Parachute Museum archives were considered as perhaps the world's largest  private parachute collection when assessed by experts from WPFB and the Smithsonian Institute.  

© Aviation Trail, Inc. 2025

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