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Parachute Museum Expansion Project

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November, 2024:

The Aviation Trail Parachute Museum will soon be unveiling details on an expansion project to make room for its ever growing inventory of  parachutes, ejection seats, and related items. Numerous donations since the official opening of the museum in 2010 have added a significant number of items to the collection and more space is needed.

In 2016 Aviation Trail announced the acquisition of the historic Pekin Theater Building and Fish Market Building on West Third Street directly east of the current Aviation Trail Building. These buildings will provide the space, but they will need extensive renovation to serve this purpose. More details and a fund raising campaign will be announced to help create this expansion and provide a world class venue for the museum. (See the “New Buildings” page for more about the buildings).

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Photos of the buildings

Check out this podcast for a preview of plans for a Parachute Museum Expansion Project:

Parachute Museum Expansion (1)Aviation Trail
00:00 / 13:33
Below - Renderings of projected plans:
expansion drawing_1 overhead.jpg
expansion drawing_2 renderings.jpg

Watch this page for further announcements!


Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park 

16 S. Williams St., Dayton, OH 45402

Visitor Center:

For details and seasonal date schedules see

or please call (937) 225-7705 for the current park schedule.


From W. Third St., turn south on Williams St and then turn left on Fourth St. Go 1/2 block and turn left into the Visitor Center parking area.

CLICK HERE for a parking map.

See the Visitor Center page for details on hours and for a map.

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Aviation Trail, Inc.

- In Partnership with the

National Park Service

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*The Parachute Museum archives were considered as perhaps the world's largest  private parachute collection when assessed by experts from WPFB and the Smithsonian Institute.  

© Aviation Trail, Inc. 2025

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