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Aviation Trail Honors Retiring NPS Superintendent

On July 21, 2017 Aviation Trail Inc. held a luncheon in honor of Dean Alexander, the just retired Superintendent of the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park. Dean retired after 30 years with the National Park Service. In 2009, He became the third Superintendent at Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP, which was established in 1992 as a series of six noncontiguous sites that bring together Federal and State agencies with private, non-profit organizations (such as Aviation Trail) to preserve and celebrate the history of the Wright brothers, aviation, and Paul Laurence Dunbar. His stewardship of the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park’s partnership with Aviation Trail has maintained a mutually beneficial impetus to the goal of preserving this history and making it available to the public. (Above photo: Aviation Trail President Marvin Christian (left) presents Supt. Dean Alexander (right) with a plaque in thanks for his service).

For more information on the event, and a slide show with more photos, see the article on the "News" page of this website: CLICK HERE.

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